Sunday the 3rd of September 2017 took place the tenth edition of Maga Sky Marathon on Prealpi Orobiche.
Whenever possible, I willingly participate in this type of activity, especially when there is the possibility to operate outdoors in these wonderful places.
My station is located in "passo Branchino " close to the omonymus lake.
I left the car at the ninth hairpin bend of the street of Capovalle to take the path.
In about a hour and a half walk, I arrived at the place assigned to me . I have to operate with 2 radios, in 2 meters and 70 cm.
For this event I created a special support to insert in my backpack and be able to transport the radios and the rest of the equipment.
The antennas used are a Yagi with 10 elements for 144 Mhz and a vehicular antenna for 430Mhz, fixed directly on the backpack support
What else to add? everything went very well! A special thanks goes to my "second operator" Tommy (my son) who attended me in this mountain hiking.